Dairy, Poultry, Piggery etc

Agriculture being the backbone of the Indian Economy, Baroda U.P. Bank, has contributed significantly in accelerating the pace of rural development by providing finance to farmer. Bank also finance to farmers for allied activities like dairy piggery , poultry etc.

The mode of finance covers to meet capital expenditure and working capital requirement of units engaged in dairy, piggery, poultry, sericulture and rearing of sheep, goat and camel, for construction of animal sheds, pig house, poultry sheds, purchase of milch animal, pig breeding ,chicks, layers, equipment/ machinery / transport vehicle for purchase of feed and to meet other expenditure etc .


All persons including small and marginal farmers and agricultural labourers engaged in agriculture and allied activities.

Nature Of Facility

Term loan for capital expenditure and cash credit for working capital requirements.

Repayment Schedule

Term loan: for purchase of milch cattle 5 years. For fishery, piggery, apiculture, sericulture, etc 3 to 7 years depending upon the economic viability of the scheme but not less than 36 months.