Right to Information means Bringing Information to the Citizens

Right to Information means Bringing Information to the Citizens

“…democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of information which are vital to its functioning and also to contain corruption and to hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed…”
In order to promote transparency and accountability in administration, the Indian Parliament enacted the Freedom of Information Act, 2002, which was repealed later and a new act, The Right to Information Act, came into force on 12 October 2005. The new law empowers Indian citizens to seek information from a Public Authority, thus making the Government and its functionaries more accountable and responsible.
Right to Information Act 2005 is an enactment made by Government of India, which mandates timely response to citizen requests for information by all Public Authorities.

Obligation under the Act
Baroda UP Bank is a Public Authority, as per definition of Public Authority in the Right to Information Act, 2005, and thus is under obligation to provide the information to members of public.

How to apply for information under the RTI Act?
Only Citizens of India are eligible for making a request under the RTI Act, 2005. The request for information has to be made in writing, clearly specifying the information sought under the RTI Act. The application should contain the contact details (postal address, telephone number, email address) for contacting back either for clarifications/advices or for providing information.

How to send the application?
As per the Rules and Regulations of the RTI Act on FEE and Cost, the request for information needs to be accompanied by an application fee of Rs 10/- by way of cash against proper original receipt or by DD or Indian Postal Order or Banker’s Cheque favouring the CPIO Baroda UP Bank. Please note that photocopy and scanned copy of the same is not acceptable.

Applications can also be made over email. However, the same shall be followed by “signed” hard copy of the said application to the PIO concerned along with the appropriate fee. Only upon receipt of appropriate fee the application will be considered for processing. The period of 30 days shall commence from the date of receipt of proof of proper fee.”

Additional charges for receiving the information.

  • Rs.2/- for each page (in A-4 or A-3 size paper) created or copied
  • actual charge or cost price of a copy in larger size paper
  • Rs. 50/- per diskette or floppy
  • actual cost or price for samples or models
  • for inspection of records, no fee for the first hour; and a fee of Rs.5/- for each subsequent hour (or fraction thereof )

About Us
A brief about the Bank along with links for related information is provided in the About Us section. Click here to view the section.

To whom to send / submit the request?
The request/ application is to be submitted to the PIO concerned, within whose jurisdiction the information pertains after ascertaining the details from the link. Click here for the details of the PIOs

To whom to send / submit the appeal?
If the applicant decides to make an appeal against the non-response / information provided by the PIO, the appeal has to be sent / submitted to the First Appellate Authority within the prescribed period of 30 days.
Details of the First Appellate Authority is given below:

First Appellate Authority (RTI) / General Manager,
Baroda U.P. Bank,
Head Office,
Buddh Vihar Commercial Scheme,
Taramandal, Gorakhpur- 273016.   

Making appeal with CIC
If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the First Appellate Authority of Bank, he/she can file appeal within the prescribed period of 90 days to the Central Information Commission (CIC) as per the rules of the RTI Act 2005.

Any other information with regard to RTI Act 2005
For getting any information with regard to RTI act 2005, Click here (Link of RTI site)

Information about Bank under Section 4 of RTI Act

Item No.




The particulars of organization functions and duties

Baroda U.P. Bank is a Regional Rural Bank with its Head Office at Gorakhpur.

Address of Head office

Organization Structure


The powers and duties of its officers and employees

All the officers from JMGS I to SMGS V grade of the bank, working in branches and offices have certain discretionary lending and administrative powers depending upon their positions. The Board decides the delegation of such powers of various grades of officials. These powers are revised periodically, depending upon the organization’s requirement and also Government / RBI / NABARD guidelines. Bank being commercial organization, powers and duties vary according to the placement of officers/employees, grade/scale, post held, job assigned and need of organization; in order to achieve business goal and securing satisfactory quality customer service. Whether to sanction a loan or not, is the absolute discretion of the concerned sanctioning authority of the bank and such discretion is exercised, after taking into consideration the relevant facts and circumstances of each case and Bank/ RBI/NABARD guidelines.

Administrative Powers of Officers

Discretionary Lending Power of Credit Committees

Duties of Subordinate Staff


The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability.

  • There is a well-defined system in the Bank regarding decision making process. Lending and administrative decisions are taken at various levels from JMGS I to Top Executive grade Scale V and also by Administrative Head and General Manager & Chairman depending upon their positions as per the discretionary lending powers delegated to them by the Board. Branches receive applications for credit facilities and recommend to the appropriate sanctioning authority. In the case of major retail loan products, applications are processed at branches and Centralized Credit Processing Cells (RLF) at select centers. There is a well-defined organizational structure and clear system of accountability based on RBI / CVC guidelines. All credit decisions approved by any sanctioning authority are reported to the next higher authority for control purpose. The system of exercising proper delegation of power and submission of control reports is in place and they are monitored by control officers and through internal inspection.


The norms set by the Bank for the discharge of its functions.

Head Office decides the rates to be offered by the Bank for the deposits, for different tenures which are displayed in the Bank's website and also at the branches. Regarding the advance, again the Head Office takes a decision on introduction of various loan products and details of which are available in the website as well as at the branches. Head Office also decides about the rates of interest for various advances which again are available on our website and also at the offices / Branches of the Bank.
Whether to sanction a loan or not, is the absolute discretion of the concerned sanctioning authority of the Bank and such discretion is exercised, after taking into consideration the relevant facts and circumstances of each case.

Head Office decide the rates to be offered by the Bank for the deposits, for different tenures which are displayed in the Bank's website and also at the branches. Regarding the advance, again the head office takes a decision on introduction of various loan products and details of which are available in the website as well as at the branches. Head office also decides about the rates of interest for various advances which again are available on our website and also at the offices / Branches of the Bank.
Whether to sanction a loan or not, is the absolute discretion of the concerned sanctioning authority of the Bank and such discretion is exercised, after taking into consideration the relevant facts and circumstances of each case.


The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by the Bank or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.

There are quite a number of documents like manuals, book of instructions, codified circulars, scheme of delegation of powers, proceedings of the board etc. And also the periodical circulars, used by the employees for discharging various functions.(These are all meant for internal circulation and cannot be shared with public)
However, certain information is available as follows:


A statement of the categories of documents that are held by the Bank or under its control.

The following documents are accordingly available at our Branch / AO / HO

Documents executed by customers / borrowers / guarantors, contracts with Third parties / etc. (These are all private information and of commercial value and cannot be shared with public).


The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.

As per present arrangement Bank organizes Chaupal / Customer meets periodically for their valuable suggestion as well as Bank's annual results / reports are published in the Bank's website periodically for information of public which would give an idea about the policies of the bank and implementation thereof.


A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.

The Bank has following Sub Committees of the Board

The Public are not entitled to participate on the above Committee meetings and minutes are not accessible to public. However, Member of public get participated in monthly meeting of Customer Service committee, of the bank where customers are invited & participate, who represents Member of public. For additional information on roles & responsibilities of various committees - check following links Board Meetings


A directory of its officers and employees.

A directory of officers and employees with cadre, place of posting, gross monthly emoluments may be seen in following link. Efforts are made to keep the same updated from time to time.
Directory of officers and employees


The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations.

Monthly Remuneration of Officers and Employees

Scales of Pay of Officers :

Scale I = Rs. 48480 - 2000/7 - 62480 - 2340/2 - 67160 - 2680/7 - 85920

Scale II = Rs. 64820 - 2340/1 - 67160 - 2680/10 - 93960

Scale III = Rs. 85920 - 2680/5 - 99320 - 2980/2 - 105280

Scale IV =Rs.102300 - 2980/4 - 114220 - 3360/2 -120940

Scale V = Rs.120940 - 3360/2 -127660 - 3680/2 - 135020

Clerical Staff :

Rs. 24050 - 1340/3 - 28070 - 1650/3 - 33020 - 2000/4 - 41020 - 2340/7

Rs. 57400 - 4400/1 - 61800 - 2680/1 - 64480 (20 years)

Subordinate Staff :
Rs. 19500 - 665/4 - 22160 - 830/5 - 26310 - 990/4 - 30270 - 1170/3
Rs. 33780 - 1345/3 - 37815 (20 years)



The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made.

There are no plans and budgets for expenditure of public money and disbursements and the provision is not applicable to Baroda U.P. Bank.


The manner of execution of subsidy programmes including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes.

There are no subsidy programmes or plans for lending activities of the Bank as a whole, except targets for priority sector lending. There are different schemes for advances of the Bank and the terms and conditions are already available in the Bank's website.
However all govt. sponsored schemes/ Programmes are being implemented in true spirit by the bank for the public benefit and being monitored by bank's financial inclusion dept. Bank is acting as channel to provide govt. subsidies to the public.


Particulars of recipients of concession, permits or authorizations granted by it.

There are no programmes in the Bank for grant of concessions, permits, authorization etc. And there is no material in the Bank relevant to this provision.


Details in respect of the information available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form.

Detailed informations on various products (Deposit and advances) and services/facilities offered by the Bank are already available in the Bank’s website. Click here


The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.

The public can approach the Public Information Officer for information regarding banking products for details of which are not available in the website.
The list of toll free no/ Telephone no has already been published on the website. The public can approach the nearest CPIOs for any further information.
List of Public Information Officers



The names, designations and other particulars of the public Information officers

Regional Manager / Regional Heads have been nominated as Public Information Officer for matters pertaining to their respective regions and for Head office Gorakhpur separate PIO have been appointed.
List of Public Information Officers
First Appellate Authorities
The General Manager have been appointed as the First Appellate Authority for the Bank.



First Appellate Authority (RTI) / General Manager,
Baroda U.P. Bank,
Head Office
Buddh Vihar Commercial Scheme,
Taramandal, Gorakhpur- 273016


Details of Applications/Appeal received under RTI and information provided Particular  01.10.2024 to 31.12.2024 01.04.2024 to 31.12.2024 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024
(Last Quarter) (Cumulative FY 2024-25)  (Cumulative FY 2023-24)
  Opening Balance as on beginning Received   Disposed   Pending   Opening Balance as on beginning Received   Disposed   Pending   Opening Balance as on beginning Received   Disposed   Pending    
RTI Application   31 283 270 44 14 886 856 44 6 1028 1020 14
Appeal   10 71 63 18 0 198 180 18 0 204 204 0

This information is updated quarterly.

Contact us
The contact addresses of all the officials and offices for different purposes are available in Contact Us section. Click here to view the section.

Your suggestions
If you have any suggestion for our bank for disclosing any information in addition to what is already disclosed in its public domain, please send the same by email at ho@barodauprrb.co.in
Suggestions should not include the requests for information for individuals and specific information on adhoc basis, for which the request/application has to be made under the RTI Act, 2005.
Dissemination of Information to public through bank’s web site
Baroda U.P. Bank places the up to date information about it’s Products / Services / Facilities available to public/any other information, which can be disclosed, in public domain.
Public can access the same at Bank’s Website
Financial Results / Annual Report
Bank's latest financial results / annual report is available for public at the following link.
Click here to view the same.